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Psychotherapeut*innenTomaschek-Habrina Lisa

Publikationen von Dr. Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina, MSc

Art des Abschlusses


Titel deutsch
Begegnung mit dem Augenblick. Jakob Levy Morenos Theater- und Therapiekonzept im Lichte der jüdischen Tradition.

Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina



Anzahl der Seiten

Uni Wien

1. Betreuer*in
Univ. Prof. Dr. Brigitte Marschall

2. Betreuer*in
Univ. Prof. Dr. Klaus Davidovicz

Abstract deutsch
Jakob Levy Moreno, ein Urvater der humanistischen Psychotherapie Begründer des Psychodramas, Mitbegründer der Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gründer des Wiener Stegreiftheaters in der Maysedergasse, entwickelte v.a. in seiner Wiener Zeit zwischen 1895 und 1925 bedeutende Grundlagen für sein späteres therapeutisches Lebenswerk. In diesem Buch werden seine jüdischen Wurzeln aus der mystischen Tradition der Kabbala und der sephardisch-chassidischen Überlieferung anhand seiner religiös inspirierten, expressionistischen Frühschriften im Bezug zu seinem Theater- und Therapiekonzept gestellt und erläutert.

Abstract englisch
Lisa Tomaschek-Habrina, The Meeting with the Moment. Jacob levy Morenos Theatre- and Therapy concept in the light of Jewish Tradition. Diss: Vienna: 2004

This work will show that J.L. Morenos Theatre- and Therapy concept has one of its roots in the Jewish Tradition. The Kabbala and the Chassidic – Sephardic origins as well, are playing an important role in Morenos work. I have tried to show some analogies to his early work while he was staying in Vienna of 1900.
He founded the religion of encounter and tried to live it on the streets of Vienna. He helped immigrants to find jobs, he has founded selp-helf groups with prostitutes to improve their hard situation, and he worked as a doctor during and after the war, often without taking any money. After the war he worked as an author and publisher of an expressionistic journal an began to experiment with the theatre. He found out, while playing everyday-scenes with participants of the audience, that this interested people more, than written plays. The heeling possibilities of theatre was then his believe and worked this out when he emigrated to the USA. This was the beginning of the Psychodrama, which was on of the first Group-therapy-methos.
His base concepts of encounter, act, creativity and spontaneity, responsibility, the group an his believe in God, who is as I-God in everyone of us, is a kind of matrix you can also find in the Jewish tradition. I have used this matrix through the Dissertation to make the relations between Moreno and his origins more evident.

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