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Psychotherapeut*innenLetmaier Martin

Publikationen von Martin Letmaier


Titel deutsch
Medikamentöse Behandlung akuter Manien: Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse stationärer Patienten von 1997-1999

Letmaier M, Schreinzer D, Thierry N, Wolf R, Kaspe

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Abstract englisch
The aim of the present retrospective chart analysis was to compare published treatment algorithms with the treatment patterns of 90 consecutive inpatients suffering from acute mania or hypomania at the Department of General Psychiatry, University of Vienna, from 1997 to 1999. Treatment strategies during the first 14 days and on discharge as well as sociodemographic and illness related data were evaluated. The results of our study reflect that international guidelines were not included in daily practice from 1997 to 1999 with regard to the usage pattern of atypical antipsychotics versus typical neuroleptics. Also, recommendations have not been taken into account about monotherapy with a mood stabilizer as first-line treatment for acute mania (polypharmacia was the predominant treatment scheme) and the advice to taper off benzodiazepines (at discharge).

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Psychotherapeut*innen - Vorschläge

Psychotherapeut*innen in der Nähe von 8010 Graz

Hutter Margret, Mag.rer.nat.
8010 Graz, Geidorfplatz 2/7A
< 1 km entfernt
Ornig Edith Gertrude,
8010 Graz, Grillparzerstraße 22
< 1 km entfernt
Brucker Dania, Mag. Dr.phil.
8010 Graz, Grillparzer Straße 22
< 1 km entfernt
Stessl Petra, Mag.a Dipl. Soz.-Päd.
8010 Graz, Villefortgasse 5
< 1 km entfernt
Felbermaier Peter, MMag. MSc
8010 Graz, Parkstraße 3
< 1 km entfernt
Diestler Birgit, Mag.a
8010 Graz, Schröttergasse 8
< 1 km entfernt
Goditsch Karin Victoria, Mag.a rer. nat.
8010 Graz, Schröttergasse 8
< 1 km entfernt
Martini Eva, MA
8010 Graz, Schröttergasse 8
< 1 km entfernt
Huemer Christof, Mag.
8010 Graz, Villefortgasse 11
< 1 km entfernt
Asbäck Katharina, Mag. phil.
8010 Graz, Glacisstraße 9/I
< 1 km entfernt
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